Archive | October, 2015

Grim’s Dungeons of Doom: Restore 2 Stamina; Miniature provision markers.

31 Oct



If you remember In most Fighting Fantasy books from the distant past, you always had the opportunity to heal your depleted Stamina score by munching on your provisions that you either had already, or simply found during the course of your adventure. So with this episode of Grim’s Dungeons of Doom, that’s what we’re going to create.

So, with that in mind I had to come up with something I could use during games to represent such found munchies as and when (Think of the computer game “Gauntlet” and I’m aiming for that sort of thing.) I’ll be making other markers in this way (Keys ,Treasure, poisoned provisions, corpses etc) but this one has much more application in other models beyond just the markers.

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A true tale for Halloween: When I lived in a haunted house.

31 Oct


So, happy halloween readers, I thought I’d share this with you. Yes it seemed appropriate to post this up seeing as though it’s the season of all things ghostly. I can assure each and everyone of you that this tale is genuine (its no creepy pasta made up shite, its my true account of what happened to us before my eldest was born)

Of course, I’m not expecting that you’ll believe, I know what happened and it was one of the creepiest paranormal experiences I’ve ever been witnessed to….

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Grim’s Dungeons of Doom: Scraping the barrel, making mini barrels.

25 Oct



Every self respecting cheesy stock fantasy dungeon environment needs barrels? Right? Well, in this part of Grim’s Dungeons of Doom, I’m going to show you how to create whatever barrels you need for your games.

Me personally if I had loads of spare cash to buy my terrain bits, I would get lots of them, in all shapes and sizes, but why buy them if you can crank them out at a cost of mere pennies? Let me show you…. We’re going to have a barrel of fun….(Pic heavy…)

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Terrain: “BBQ’d Rolling Pin” Cobblestone Roads

21 Oct


As bloggers it’s great to share quality content with our readership, so it’s great when the opportunity comes along to take a step back from our own blogs and hand over to others for top notch advice and how to’s.
So with that in mind, here’s an excellent tutorial for terrain builders here, reblogged with permission from


Oh my F*%king God!! It’s Star Wars!! It’s f*%cking Star Wars!!

20 Oct

Holy fuck fuck fuckety fuck!! Yes you’ve probably seen it already, but it’s here, the new trailer for episode 7 is here!! I have faith now that Disney aint fucked up my beloved franchise. Thanks Mickey!! I’ve seen this a ton of times today, and I will probably gorge on it more over the next few weeks. JJ Abrams, we thank you.

Remember, the force will be with you, always…