Tag Archives: Fighting Fantasy

I want that F*%cking Miniature: Fighting Fantasy Miniatures from Pure Evil Miniatures.

4 Jun


If you remember these critters, I need not remind you what they are from, but for those of you unfamiliar with them let me give you heads up and some background.

Scant few images of this elusive line exist, so these are some of the best ones I could find, my apologies for posting them without proper attribution to the source, email me and I'll sort it!

Scant few images of this elusive line exist, so these are some of the best ones I could find, my apologies for posting them without proper attribution to the source, email me and I’ll sort it!

These are Pure Evil Miniatures officially licensed Fighting Fantasy Miniatures. Back in the 80’s there existed a book series that ignited the imaginations of tons of young minds to the worlds of fantasy and adventure. These books were not just a story, it was an interactive foray into a dangerous realm where we were the hero, in which every choice we made changed the outcome, and for us 80’s fantasy kids, we were hooked.

The source of inspiration, The cover of Deathtrap Dungeon!

No idea if these are on general release yet, but I’d love one for my collection! If you can point me in the direction of getting one of these, let me know, and I’ll get one, put it together and stick some paint on it so you can see it in it’s glory!


Grim’s Dungeons of Doom: Modular Scooby-Doo-esque wooden stairs…

4 Jan



Well, I hope that the new year is treating you all well, and that you enjoyed your festivities. I’m back with another Grim’s Dungeons of Doom article/tutorial this time dealing with some rickety old wooden stairs to connect your upper levels and platform risers to the rest of your other components we’ve already dealt with. Continue reading

Grim’s Dungeons of Doom: Dem bones, Dem bones: Bone Pile Respawner Markers

3 Dec



In this edition of Grim’s Dungeons of Doom, we are going to deal with the creation of bone piles for our mini dungeon. These can be used as debris or even better (as I plan on doing) as undead respawn markers. Every respectable dungeon should have a few of these to warn those pesky adventurer types, just how they might end up by delving too deep within it’s tunnels…

This is a dead easy and quick make, and will get you some nice looking pieces for really minimal effort.  Continue reading

Grim’s Dungeons of Doom: Tavern Tales: Raising the bar! Making a Tavern bar!

29 Nov



Well, here I am again, with a later than  scheduled terrain making post, I know it’s been a while, but haven’t had much chance to do much with a PC for what seems like ages.

So, while not fitting the whole dungeon theme entirely, we kick off this belated Grim’s Dungeons of Doom article with a set piece that is ever present in stock fantasy games, The Tavern bar. This’ll be first in a series detailing how to turn your modular dungeon scenics into more than just an underground lair, and lets you turn the system into a viable way to simulate entire buildings and interiors. These new pieces need no more skills or techniques other than what I’ve already shown you, and we’ll refer to other articles in the series for the “how to’s” to specific parts of the build.

Continue reading

Grim’s Dungeons of Doom: Adventures in expanding foam, part 1; Cavern Walls

17 Sep



Today’s terrain building Grim’s Dungeons of Doom nonsense is going to tackle another type of wall piece that is found in many a fantasy dungeon scenario, the cavern. I touched upon this before in my brick modular wall article at the beginning, but this one is a slightly tricky make. It involves a can of expanding foam gap filler… Continue reading