Tag Archives: Zombie

Apocalypse 28mm: Warnings & Notices of the Dead PDF available for download on Wargame Vault!

16 Jun


Yet again, I’m back with another new PDF, this time with a new addition to the modern horror themed apocalypse range of model detailing; Apocalypse 28mm: Warnings and notices of the dead. This is a collection of modern horror zombie themed signage to add to your models and projects.

This PDF can be used with both zombie gaming and moderns, and can even be resized for other gaming scales. just simply print out, cut out and stick to your stuff to add extra detail and flavour for your gaming pleasure.

This is a pay what you want title, which means it can be downloaded free, but if your feeling generous, you can pay whatever you like to support future titles (and of course, any donations are greatly appreciated!)

Get your copy of this useful PDF over at Wargame vault here: http://www.wargamevault.com/product/185685/Apocalypse-28mm-Warnings–Notices-of-the-dead?manufacturers_id=8807 or if your interested in our other titles in the Grinning Skull range, have a browse on our publisher page http://www.wargamevault.com/browse/pub/8807/Grinning-Skull-Studios

As ever, your thoughts and suggestions for current and future releases are welcomed, indeed as are likes, shares and comments on the range!

I Want that F*%king Miniature!: Snookums Horrorclix

16 Oct


I haven’t had much opportunity to post recently, nor have I had chance to access any of my stuff to continue my articles in the Grim’s Dungeons of Doom series (Trust me, next part is coming up in the form of barrels…) So, with that in mind until normal service is resumed I’m going to be posting up some previews of stuff I’m working on and a new type of series simply called “I Want that F&%king Miniature!” detailing the weird, strange or simply cool minis out there that I just have to get hold of.

To kick it all off I want to start with this trippy mini from the Horrorclix range, Snookums.


Now, while a lot of miniature purists don’t hold the clix figures as the best due to their prepaints and bendy plastic, I’ve always thought that with a good repaint or touch up that most of the time they work out fine (mostly)

Where I am most of the access to clix figures is quite limited mainly to ebay and such, so when I saw this I just thought to myself, I just have to have it.

Rolf "paedo" Harris pops by to sketch Barney and his child cult whilst in the process of praising the dark lord Satan.

A Rolf “paedo” Harris lookalike pops by to sketch Barney and his child cult whilst in the process of praising the dark lord Satan. Shemhamforash!, Hail Barney!

Everyone knows Barney, that “loveable” purple dinosaur of TV fame, who seems to hang around with groups of brainwashed kids in his creepy Paedo-istic (Is that really a word? No, but you get the idea) style.Well, this figure takes that disturbing vibe and amplifies it by adding an evil zombiefied edge, sharp teeth and chainsaw.

When I saw this figure I thought of the possibility of getting quite a few of these and running some kind of game in a similar vein to five nights at freddies. I’m all for parody miniatures, the weirder the better in fact, even so people find figures like this limited in use, I could easily use this as a antagonist in any number of games, after all, who wouldn’t enjoy the idea of kicking the shit out of a load of Barneys over and over, and I’m sure it’d be the nearest any of us will ever get to it. Imagine the 40K fun you could have sending waves of these against your Imperial forces!!

WTF!! Bathtime will never be the same again!!!

WTF!! Bathtime with Barney will never be the same again!!!

A quick slice and swap out the chainsaw for any number of weapons for variety. I just love the weirdness of this mini! I think I’ll be trying to acquire a few of them for future use. If there are any of you out there with any going spare, feel free to drop me a line regarding doing a swap or such ever.

I’ll be back later with a Grinning Skull miniature greens preview and more 4xD babble!

Apocolypse 15mm: Newspaper & Magazine Debris PDFs collection now available Free from Wargame Vault!

27 Sep


Hello there everyone, just a quick post (or shameless plug!) to tell you that the 15mm Newspapers and Magazines PDFs previously available from the download section here, have now been cleaned up and spliced together and are available for download directly from Wargames Vault. Now entitled Apocolypse 15mm: Newspapers & Magazine Debris, it contains all the set (zombie apocolypse themed papers, Alien invasion themed papers and magazines & comics) Please let me know your thoughts, comments and ideas about what could be included in future Grinning Skull studios products.

Please note: All old links to these PDFs are broken and extinct now, so if you want this title collection, please download via the new link. Also, Don’t forget, you can still get the Grim’s Dungeons of Doom: 28mm Books, Scrolls and Maps, Vol 1 from Wargames Vault too!!

Download the Paperkit from Wargames Vault and show your support for the growing range of Grinning Skull Design Studios Ebook/papercrafts!

Wargames Vault download link: Apocolypse 15mm: Newspapers & Magazine Debris

Weird 15mm Games I should run: Zombies On The Buses…

7 Jul


I have some weird ideas for wargames, and while most can be somewhat surreal at times, there are some that really stick in my head. A lot of these would be ideal games for conventions as they aren’t really ideas you’d use in a campaign over the course of a few sessions. These would prove to be a great laugh and fun games, and just maybe it might inspire someone to have a go…

Continue reading

The Walking Dead: Season 4: Episode 16; A

2 Apr


So, firstly my apologies for not posting the links to this seasons Walking Dead finale, busy as usual with life things!

Anyway, here’s the link you have been waiting for, the end of the road for the splintered group, Terminus lays ahead!


If you haven’t seen it already, as usual I wont let slip any spoilers (I hate it when people do that!) but safe to say, it ain’t half bad!

Also, the link for the aftershow Talking Dead, which this week stars Rick himself Andrew Lincoln!


As usual I’ll issue you all with a warning about putting your pop up blockers on max, that way your viewing experience won’t be marred by crappy pop ups to spoil the shows!

I’ll be back later on with a few posts of randomness…

Enjoy the show!!


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