Archive | July, 2012

Resting in the Piggin pub

31 Jul



Oggam Militia

31 Jul



A Facial study of the Oggam (I know they’re pigs, facial not faecal!)

31 Jul

A Facial study of the Oggam (I know they're pigs, facial not faecal!)

Just to repost todays new art. This one is about the facial studies of the varied nature of the oggam.

My first Post!

31 Jul

Well, it was about time I started a blog for the project and my art, if the whole thing falls apart, never fear, its easy to do something else!



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Oggam campaign Postage slashed!!

31 Jul

I just thought I had better tell you that I have slashed the postage rates for the perks, now all but the $1 perk has a standard UK £3.50 P&P rate, and The rest of the world is now $5 P&P, The $1 perk has now a UK FREE delivery, while the rest of the world is now £2.

I decided to cut the prices, as the high international postage probably was putting off a lot of potential investors. So with the intentions of getting more investors, I have decided to front the extra postage cost.

I don’t know, the things I do for you.