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40K 8th Ed. Deathguard Army: Chaos Spawn: Envy Demons (CMON)

12 Jun

So these spawn are from the board game The Others: 7 Sins from CMON, the Envy expansion, which I got for quite a good price on Ebay. I think it ended up working out at around just over a £1 each, and for the quality and size of the models is a pretty good deal.

I don’t own the main game, nor have I played it, nor plan either. Just the models are well done, and I thought they would make excellent spawn. These things will form 2 units (3+4 respectively) and add some variety to my spawn units.

The Controller model is the poorest figure in the set, and it’s now laying headless in my bits, as I didn’t need it. Some people I’ve heard aren’t keen on the recurring sexual imagery in some of the designs of the game, but old skool GW had a habit of nudity, innuendo and a great deal of knobs, tits and fannies, so it’s nothing new. I suppose they are not figures for the easily offended.

So here’s the bit where I was going to show you a load of nice shots of the before and after, but since my phone’s died on me and can’t get the pics off my phone, then here’s a few I’ve stolen off the net to illustrate my point.

As you can see, there’s a ton of detail on these creatures, and when I saw them, I did think these might have been better suited for Slaanesh spawn, but with an appropriate themed paint job, they would be acceptable spawn for any chaos power.

I’ve opted on mine for a scheme of pallid/rotting flesh and sickly greens, contrasted with blood and gore, a theme I am rolling with, with all my spawn, just subtle changes here and there in the palette, just to change it up here and there. It keeps everything tied together with the rest of my wave of disgusting spawn creatures if I ever want to use the option of using them all at once in a game

.The Avatar is a lot bigger than the rest, but the rest are still a decent size.

Anyway, let me know what you think, it’s good to get feedback to make sure I keep on track!

Crowdfunding Spotlight: Wargaming Table by 4thwar Equipment on Kickstarter

6 May


One of the most important features of any tabletop game is undoubtedly the surface that its played upon, in most cases the table.

This crowdfunder over on kick starter thinks its cracked it in more than just this issue, as well as being 100% green and recyclable, by coming up with this “novel” (sigh!) idea of a cardboard portable folding gaming table.

Yeah, great idea. Well, not really. I know that probably doesn’t sound very complementary, but I’m not here to sing the praises of this project, rather I just see so many things that are against this being a smart invention.

I’ll try and be fair with this project though, I’m not all bad, so I’ll point out lots going for it, such as the fact that it’s innovative in its design and use of materials,and yes it does solve a problem that many of us gamers face from time to time, plus it’s a polished production to both the idea and the project itself. However, there are a few problems with using this kind of corrugated card can bring.

First one of the many flaws to this is that card of this type is very easily damaged used as is (like this) and won’t look like it’ll take much to accidentally get either bent, knocked or wet from a spill etc. The easy damage factor is a big issue, not to mention warping from heat or damp. If you have kids around, that’ll make it twice as likely to get messed up too, trust me!

Next is the wibble factor. Just how many have completely level floors in the area we wish to game? It’ll just take one unlevel surface to sit on and I’m sure it’ll shake like a pensioner with parkinsons just like any other table would, just this one will shake even more as its lighter being from cardboard.

Price. For what it is, it seems a little expensive to me. Ok, I know that you have to factor lots of things into getting an idea to being, and a lot of stuff can be prohibitive caused by just how much some things do actually cost, but $109 seems a bit much for just a table made from card! Sod the extra chaff stuff too, why would I want a sodding T-shirt? Some might disagree, but I can think of much cheaper ways to make an ad hoc gaming table. I make do with bits of wood that go on top of various surfaces, easy to buy, store and go up quickly, usually well within the 3 minutes they say in the vid!

I don’t want to rubbish the idea, honestly, but maybe this just isn’t for me. Yes I can see that there are plenty of takers on board already, but the funding level seems a bit high for it to work, $99,000 is a hell of a lot of cash. I just see it struggling toward the latter half of the funding period to be fair.

Check it out and make up your own mind.

4thWar Equipment – Wargaming Table by 4thwar Equipment — Kickstarter.

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Warboard Kickstarter update: £10k stretch goal unlocks 15mm board!!

5 Oct

Just to let you fellow 15mm gamers know, the £10K stretch goal for the campaign has been reached, thus unlocking the option for a 15mm version of this great item! That’s right, this time the 15mm gods have decreed that these nifty boards will now be available at half size (well, still the same size, just the pattern rejigged at the 15mm scale)

I did promise that I would indeed be in on this if it were to hit the £10K mark, so I guess I’m going to have to go for it!! Things are looking a tad stretched for me to continue to support the reaper bones KS (The P&P is just one step too much for my finances methinks) which is a shame, but I’ll get over it. However that being said, I can afford one of these innovative terrain boards, and I know I can put these to more better use with my existing Zombie/scifi/fantasy gaming without much effort.

There’s still plenty of time left to get some if you visit the link below, what are you waiting for?

Warboard, the innovative gaming mat by Steve @ — Kickstarter.

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Crowdfunding Spotlight: Chronobound Studios Wormhole Warfare Kickstarter

12 Sep

Sometimes, on my travels round the net, things get pointed out to me that are truly inspired. This KS isn’t one of them.

Wormhole warfare is a terrible looking project from Chronobound studios, who apparently know everything about all the aspects of the industry, apparently. There’s nothing they can’t do. To quote:

Chronobound Studios’ tabletop experience includes playing, painting, and shipping early and current editions of Warhammer 40k and Fantasy, Dominion, Carcassonne, Settlers of Catan, Battlefleet Gothic, Ticket To Ride, Space Hulk and Necromunda miniature game sets.From these past experiences, there is no aspect of creating a miniatures game that is unknown to us.

Seriously, there’s something I don’t trust about this, rather poorly executed, garish looking and badly sculpted effort. I don’t want to be cruel, but I get the feeling that there’s some level of hoaxery afoot with the whole thing. I’m sure there’s nothing to be worried about, thats if your gullible enough to be a funder that is. It’s just my spidersense is tingling like crazy.

What gets to me is how bad the figures are. The sculpts are just sooo bad, it’s like they have been done by kids with plasticene or playdough. People have said in their defense, that these sculpts are meant to be they way they are! If thats true, then who ever came up with that idea needs to be shot!

Take a look at the sculpts if you don’t believe me!


Another warning sign is that these KS sets will be available prepainted, which is going to add more pressure, time and faff. I have a suspicion that rather than casting the sculpts up, they have some children in a third world country sculpting each figure with DAS or fimo, to the crack of the whip! Either way when I look in my crystal ball, I forsee problems, problems, problems with this project…..

I hope that you’ll see sense in not throwing your cash down a wormhole like this, but if you insist, don’t say I didn’t warn you!

Wormhole Warfare: Escape from New Ork City by Chronobound Studios — Kickstarter.

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Crowdfunding Spotlight: Dawn: Rise of the Occulites Kickstarter

25 Jun

Darwin Games new KS is now live, and I for one really dig these great looking mini’s. Sculpted by industry veteran  Bob Olley, they are highly original and fun. Note to self: add some of these figures to my wish list. I did have a look at these before and thought they were fabulous figures, if they are anything to go by, the game should be cool too. As you can see there is not too much on the market at the moment that match these weird creatures, which is a good thing in my opinion, I’d love an army of the little critters!

Yes, it’s true they are a little bizzarre and cartoony, but I think they are great. Purists might scoff and moan about them being a little too weird for their liking, but in a gaming world full of overdone cliches its good to see more sky blue thinking from designers!

There’s less than $7k to go, so I have no doubt this will get full funding, although if you haven’t backed the project, there’s still plenty of time to get involved!!

Go and check them out!

Dawn: Rise of the Occulites by Eagle Games — Kickstarter.

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