Tag Archives: art

Terrain Workshop: WIP 15mm Industrial Zone

13 Jul


So, back to the grind. With events of late, I’ve been having a hard time motivating myself to complete various jobs that I’m supposed to be doing, stuff like this tends to lack importance compared to when life deals out shitty hands. Still, time dredges on, stuff needs doing and thus, whether you like it or not, everyone should kick themselves up the ass from time to time, so thats what I’m in the process of doing!

Anyway, heres a bit of a WIP of one of the latest terrain bits I’m working on at the moment. Its a 15mm Industrial zone (as if you haven’t worked it out!)

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Grinning Skull Creative update, and we’ve scored 250,000+ hits…

25 Apr


Long time no post!! Hi everyone, just taking a break in my busy schedule to do some long overdue updates here, and I just wanted to let you know that I’ve just finally added a couple of pages to the site that are intended to show and catalogue some of the work I have done in a shameless attempt to ply my wares, which incidentally will from now on, go under the banner of Grinning Skull Creative Studios.

In the menu, you will now find a page for miniature sculpting services (which also has a small gallery of my works for you to have a browse) and another page for Wargames Terrain Services with another gallery at past and present examples of stuff.

I’ll be adding more and more new material (and old when I find it about) over time, so please do feel free to come and have a check back to see the pics. Of course let me know if you might require me to do any of the above for your own projects by contacting me via the forms on the pages, or just use the contact page to email me if you want to get in touch.

For fans of the blog, please don’t worry, I haven’t given up, just been busy getting stuff done and hoping to generate more stuff to put up on here for your entertainment, I really want to get back into focusing on the wargaming aspects of the site as well, so the creative bit gives me ample chance to get making stuff that I hope you’ll enjoy (hopefully!) Of course I’ll still be keeping it real with segments like Crowdfunding Spotlight and I have a few new ideas for regular segments that I think you’ll like as well (but I’ll tell you later…)

Again, feel free to check out the new pages as I’m sure there are quite a few new bits you probably haven’t seen, and I’ll be updating these as frequently as possible to keep things fresh!

Also thanks to everyone for visiting the site in these last couple of years, and I’m happy to let you know that we’ve now hit the 250,000 hit mark, and to me at least this feels like another milestone with the Grinning Skull. I don’t know if this is a lot, but frankly it does to me and I’m really greatful that so many of you have wanted to read my babble over this short time!! So thank you, each and everyone of you that have graced these pages and put up with me!!

Here’s to another 250,000!!!


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Crowdfunding Spotlight: Wargames Bakery Stencilis

7 Mar

You might remember Wargames Bakery and their last KS campaign, with their base stamps and their groovy name, and this time they are back with another new addition to the many stencils that are available on the market.

Even so there are quite a lot of stencils available at the moment, these differ from many out there due to the material used in their construction. made from thin sheets of sillicon rubber, it allows greater flexibility and the ability to bend around tricky shapes that may be trouble for many of the more fixed or solid stencil types that are around.

With many options for the designs, there’s plenty of choice to choose from, so there’s going to be something for everyone.

Already past the £500 target, it’s most definitely funded and any investors who get involved will get their goods, so why not get your hand in your pocket and get involved by clicking the link below to take an in depth look for yourself.

Good luck guys!



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Crowdfunding Spotlight: Wonderlands Project Shark Day Miniature on Indiegogo

5 Feb


I am quite a sucker for weird and outlandish miniatures, and this project over on Indiegogo falls into that perfectly. Based on these lovely pictures by artist Maxim Verehin, I do hope that the miniatures that are getting sculpted can do justice to that which they are based upon. I wasn’t familiar with Wonderland’s work before, but by the looks it seems to be either below par (lots of pointless busts or poor sculpts) or ok-ish models. Kind of all over the place really, but methinks they are more for the collector rather than a wargamer.

I do love the creepy mushroom guy and his pig, but what puts me off is if they are going to deliver the goods when it comes to the execution of the end sculpt. if it’s anything like some of their back catalogue, I’ll give it a miss (check out the baby kabom mini, it’s utter shite) and spend my paypal balance elsewhere!

Still, who am I to judge? Anyways, there’s still 12 days left for them to get fully funded, so if you like the look of the minis, check it out over on Indiegogo and show your support!

Wonderlands Project – Maxim Verehin’s Shark Day Miniature | Indiegogo.

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Get ready for Free Comic Book Day: May 4th 2013

25 Apr

If your a fan of comics, you might want to know that Free comic book day is on the 4th May 2013. It’s a regular drive to promote reading for kids to encourage them to read more. Comics are a great medium, and are a bit less daunting than a full book that maybe could put off a lot of kids, so on free comic book day they’re giving away lots to everyone through participating stores worldwide!

Free Comic Book Day 2007

Free Comic Book Day 2007 (Photo credit: Michael D. Dunn)

There are lots of retailers getting involved, as are there a whole heap of lovely free comics of all types. I myself will be taking my kids along to a store or two, in an attempt to get my spawn (They’re lovely really!!) to do a tad more reading than spend all their spare time playing on the PC or consoles.

Make a note of the date (Star wars day, May the 4th be with you!!) and check out the main site for details of the nearest places taking part, as well as check out some of the titles that will be available to pick up free on the day!!

Free Comic Book Day.

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