Archive | March, 2015

15mm Space Orc Army: the mob so far…

22 Mar


Well, I thought I might a well share my progress on my 15mm space orc mob thats finished so far. I still need to get lots more done yet, more mobs of boys including my own lot (from CP models) as well as some GZG ones, more Ogryns, squigs, dreds and vehicles. They’ve ended up quite cool, with a unique feel, which will probably get better when I add the rest.




I like the GZG orcy types, while not similar to mine, I find that if you paint them all a putrid green, they look fine! Plenty more of these still left to paint and add, although it’ll take some time (I’m not the fastest painter…)



Vehicles and dredds, all I have done so far is these. I’m aiming for probably two units of three dredds, which will add a fair bit of firepower, plus I’ve got a battle wagon (Warbus) about 50% done, and even a dropship, but that’s going to need more TLC. One Squiggoth should suffice.


These I’ll be adding loads more of (I have quite a few) again will take time, but so far I’m low on actual orcs, plus they need a banner boy. I’ve got a feeling this army will be huge when I’m done.


Not sure if I’ll do any more ogryns (might save the others for my imperial guard force) I like them, but they don’t feel savage enough (might need to sculpt some… or convert some fantasy ones)


The boss and his retinue are made up from the ones from CP that I sculpted, as well as  converted 15mm sci-fi adventurers from them also.



The gobbos are made up from Magister militum, foundry(?), Pendraken and irregular goblins/orcs. These were just standard fantasy ones, converted with a bit of greenstuff and some neat MJ figures 15mm guns. I still have a few left to finish, including a shit shoveller. Out of everything here, I think I enjoyed these the most. Plenty of character, so I reckon I’ll have to do a big horde of these. I might even use my snotling bases with them (which are also made up from a variety of manufacturers of 10 & 15mm goblins) to add some feral types as fodder (they are based as the 40 x 40 swarms as per WFB, but it shouldn’t matter.) I’ve gotta get some of the Ion age ones yet, as I’m loving the really individual nature of this army.



Squigs are a combo of my own from CP, Pendraken Squoggler, and a great classic GW Kev Adams one to give them a truly RT feel. The herder is a converted Pendraken night orc (now carrying a small squig) To add to this section, there are quite a few more squogglers to paint up (even so they are supposed to be 10mm, they fit great here) and a load of CP carnosaurs (looking fine as large blind cave squigs) not to mention my own, might even add a few old GW ones as well.

I’m in sculpting mode presently, so they are all going to have to wait. Maybe I’ll have to make those other orc troop types I’ve been thinking of…


Warring States & Qin Dynasty Miniature Range KS Coming soon!

15 Mar

Metal castings light infantry

Watchful-i-studios new KS starts on Monday, and I like the looks of it, very Dynasty Warriors, I could be a convert (but it’d be much better if it were in 15mm…) Anyway, some of the stuff is a dead ringer, although I’d like to see some heroes rather than the fantasy bits.
Just thought you might be interested, so I’ve reblogged this article from their website!

I’ll post a review once the KS is up and running with all the details.

Watchful I Studio

Watchful I Studio is embarking on our first project. This range of miniatures will be posted on a Kickstarter going live Monday, March 23, 2015 at 12pm EST. We are planning on posting a draft of our Kickstarter to allow the public to give us feedback on the setup and different levels so we can make this a very successful endeavor. This is the first of many armies that we hope to cover during the same period in history with all of the forces complimenting each other. This cohesion will allow players to collect and play games against one another knowing that they are lived and fought around the same time period. Once we have a few armies established we are planning on publishing a set of rules as well as other supporting products.

Range: Warring States / Qin Dynasty (475 – 206 B.C.)

Wave 1: Core Product allowing players…

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