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Grinning Skull Miniatures: Little Killa Clowns!

3 Nov

So, it’s been a while since the Grinning Skull Miniature line has had any new additions, but fear not, in true honour of Pennywise the Dancing Clown and all things Halloween,  we have some lovely little murder dwarves to use in your miniature based games!

These diminutive and horrible harlequins are suitable for either 15mm, 20mm and 28/32mm gaming, and in true Grinning Skull style have both a humorous and sinister edge to them! Available as a pack of 10 (GRNP06) for £9.00, or as singles too.

As ever, these little terrors are brought to you by our good friends at Alternative Armies, premier purveyors of perfectly packaged pewter playing pieces (whew! try saying that over and over!) and you can find these little fellers’ along with the rest of the Grinning Skull Miniature range here: 

Also, if you’re a fan of Grinning Skull miniature strangeness, please keep your eyes peeled for new releases coming soon in the range, trust me when I say that amongst them will be that which a lot of you have been asking me about for years now, no spoilers, but those who’ve asked me will know exactly what they are!

As ever, let me know your thoughts on these and the range, I’d love to hear what game you’d use them in, how you’ve painted them and what other stuff you think would be a great idea to add to the growing range!!!

Oggam Hut Paperkit & Oggam book re-released on Wargame Vault

10 Jul


To cut down on the storage space here (so I can have more space for uploading pics) I’ve decided to re-release both the Book of the Oggam and The Oggam hut over on Wargame Vault. Not only will this help keep space down, but allow me to track the downloads better and have them all in one place. Other links to these books uploaded on this site will  become redirected toward the new links (Just give me a little time to update everything on site)

They will still be free to download, and since it’s the aniversary here, I thought it was the right thing to do as the whole Oggam idea was what started this site in the first place!

You can get the Book of the Oggam here:

And the Oggam Hut here:

Of course, you can browse the other PDFs in the range at our publisher page on Wargame Vault here:

Thanks, and enjoy!

Apocalypse 28mm: Warnings & Notices of the Dead PDF available for download on Wargame Vault!

16 Jun


Yet again, I’m back with another new PDF, this time with a new addition to the modern horror themed apocalypse range of model detailing; Apocalypse 28mm: Warnings and notices of the dead. This is a collection of modern horror zombie themed signage to add to your models and projects.

This PDF can be used with both zombie gaming and moderns, and can even be resized for other gaming scales. just simply print out, cut out and stick to your stuff to add extra detail and flavour for your gaming pleasure.

This is a pay what you want title, which means it can be downloaded free, but if your feeling generous, you can pay whatever you like to support future titles (and of course, any donations are greatly appreciated!)

Get your copy of this useful PDF over at Wargame vault here:–Notices-of-the-dead?manufacturers_id=8807 or if your interested in our other titles in the Grinning Skull range, have a browse on our publisher page

As ever, your thoughts and suggestions for current and future releases are welcomed, indeed as are likes, shares and comments on the range!

Grim’s Dungeons of Doom: Scraping the barrel, making mini barrels.

25 Oct



Every self respecting cheesy stock fantasy dungeon environment needs barrels? Right? Well, in this part of Grim’s Dungeons of Doom, I’m going to show you how to create whatever barrels you need for your games.

Me personally if I had loads of spare cash to buy my terrain bits, I would get lots of them, in all shapes and sizes, but why buy them if you can crank them out at a cost of mere pennies? Let me show you…. We’re going to have a barrel of fun….(Pic heavy…)

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Terrain: “BBQ’d Rolling Pin” Cobblestone Roads

21 Oct


As bloggers it’s great to share quality content with our readership, so it’s great when the opportunity comes along to take a step back from our own blogs and hand over to others for top notch advice and how to’s.
So with that in mind, here’s an excellent tutorial for terrain builders here, reblogged with permission from