Archive | March, 2016

Grim’s Dungeons of Doom: Books, Scrolls and maps Volume 2, now available on Wargame vault!

19 Mar

books vol2

Well, long time no see!! Yes, finally I’m back after a break to bring you more articles and stuff. Did ya miss me? Probably not, but never mind!

I just wanted to let you know that you can get the next volume in the Books, Scrolls and maps series of PDFs over on Wargame Vault (and its associated sister sites) Volume 2 includes new books and items for your 28mm games and projects, and is available as a Pay what you want title, so even if you can’t afford it, you can still download a copy. If your feeling generous any donations would be very welcome and will certainly prompt more future editions to the range.

There are several PDFs in development, including some Apocalypse 28mm titles and the third Dungeons of Doom title in the series, The grand Library, which will include a whole load of furniture, varying book shelves (including a quite nifty empty bookcase to add your books to!)

If you like the sound of getting your hands on Volume 2, check it out here: or check out the other Grinning Skull tat over there too!

I’ll be back soon with more articles, nonsense and possibly the odd video….