40K Death Guard Army: More devotees to join the cult of Nurgle. More Chaos Cultists…

16 Sep

Ok, so these lot are new editions to my cultist units, and a mixed lot they are. all the ones you can see here are virtually kitbashed from a variety of parts and models from all different companies to fit with the ones I already have. You might recall that my existing cultists are the trencher models from CP Models range, and as such those models have a sort of uniformity with the whole WW1 scifi vibe.

Wanting to continue with something similar, but add in some random chaotic elements for good measure, so I got hold of a load of bits and part sprues from some sellers on Ebay and got to work cobbling together new weirdos for the cult.

These first lot are the combination of the now out of production sci-fi germans plastic kit (sorry, can’t remember the company who made them) and some Gripping Beast Saracen warriors for the bodies. I only had the heads, arms and backpacks to work with from the German troopers, but wanted the look of greatcoats, so combining the two, I think worked well, and fitted with what troops I already had. I do wish I had more, but since they are cultists, I don’t mind too much since they are supposed to be corrupted planetary defense troop types, that had turned to chaos.

This bunch are where we get into more mix and match territory, kinda like total mental freaks from the civilian side rather than military. These were made from a whole variety of different parts. Some old plastic Warhammer fantasy empire models, WW2 Germans, the sci-fi Germans for their heads, Chaos marauders with the flails, and odds and sods from whatever I could find in my bits. They still fit the look I wanted since their faces are covered in gas mask type breathers, and are scabby enough to fit right in.

These three consist of the first being again like the previous, a mix of said bits from all sorts of bits, while the standard bearer and the end one were from resin figures I got from Curtis at Ramshackle Games. These were miscasts and broken, so I got to work repairing and adding to them to fit the army. the banner was made from Milliput and then painted up with a suitable Death Guard cult pattern that will be present in any additional cult iconography and vehicles (and trust me, I plan on making a proxy Rhino or vehicle dedicated and crewed by cult members with that colour scheme)

So, here is the entire lot so far. This isn’t all my cultists by far, I think I have at least 40 other models I could add, although I have none of them finished. I may save some of them for my proposed Thousand Sons cultists as they might be a better fit there (robed nutters much like the old Necromunda Cawdor gangers in style) and for sure I’ll be adding a whole box of the Mantic Plague zombies I have to act as either cultists, or proto-poxwalkers sort of like a precursor to what will eventually happen to cult members, they are just fodder after all, aren’t they?

I’ll be back later with more stuff, probably with my Assault Drill or maybe something else…

3 Responses to “40K Death Guard Army: More devotees to join the cult of Nurgle. More Chaos Cultists…”

  1. Pete S/ SP September 17, 2020 at 6:00 pm #

    Those are some great additions. They look like a cohesive horde now.



    Liked by 1 person

    • grimace73 September 17, 2020 at 6:12 pm #

      I have a shed load more to get painted yet! I got a lot of miscast and broken resin minis from Curtis at Ramshackle that need adding/mending, theres a lot of weapon teams with big guns too which I’m planning on putting on some vehicle/apc type, plus I have a full box of Mantic plague zombies which are going to be proxies for either cultists/poxwalkers, plus loads more (I think I went overboard really!) many of them will probably be better suited for my Thousand Sons cultists I have planned (robed nutters from Black Cat bases) That is if time allows!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Muskie February 8, 2022 at 6:05 am #

    Good work! I too am onto my long neglected but long planned cultist horde made up of all sorts of old and new figures. I’m painting some mercenaries from rogue trader times. I gave them purple booties, like my goblins, because I need to practice painting purple.


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