Tag Archives: Cthulhu

Crowdfunding Preview: Achtung! Cthulhu Skirmish game KS from Spartan Games!

22 Dec

For those who aren’t familiar, Achtung! Cthulhu is  the WW2 era combined with the mythos of HP Lovecraft and his contemparies. Up till now it’s been focused on the RPG side of things, but news is 2014 will see the release of the skirmish version of the popular setting.

I am a big fan of anything mythos, but not so keen on WW2 stuff, but this might change my mind about that. What is clear, is that there are a few great looking mini’s there and no doubt there will be some great opportunities to use some other companies 28mm WW2/WeirdW2/Cthulhu stuff to add more options to the mix! Hey, there’s probably loads of scifi and fantasy stuff that’d be good too, at this rate I’ll be a convert to the elder gods!

check out the Ronald Macdonalds in the Chapman Brothers instalation, why so many clowns…

I can imagine tabletop scenes not unlike the ones made by the renown art duo, the Chapman brothers, whose massive dioramas of WW2 carnage and evil, wouldn’t seem too out of place for the premise of the game, just with added tentacles and gribblies for that extra dimension of “urgh”! I fear that the 28mm wargamer in me is going to resurface if things keep up like this!

This could be a hit for 2014, watch this space. The stars may be right.

Achtung! Cthulhu | Spartan Games.

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Crowdfunding Spotlight: Reaper Miniatures Bones II Kickstarter

2 Oct

Now this KS is the one I’ve been waiting for! Yes, it’s the second Reaper Miniatures Bones 2 campaign over on Kickstarter.

Having missed out on the last one, which believe me, I’m still kicking myself about. If you don’t know, Reaper Bones miniatures are a cheaper alternative to their usual metal lines, made up from the majority of their already existing figures, just made in a soft polymer type plastic. The first KS was to expand the initial releases from a handful, to many new bones figures. So successful was the last campaign, the second one was sure to come!

Now, with this new KS, they again want to bring out lots more new figures, both big and small, but need us to help fund this task! What do you get for helping support this campaign? Oh my friends….lots and lots and lots of bones minis!!

I was pretty gutted I never got in on the last one to be honest, cash flow and  stuff gets in the way sometimes, so I ducked out, but wished I hadn’t, and I imagine lots of others did too.

So for a $100 pledge what do you get I hear you ask again? Well, take a look at this, and this is just the start, as the stretch goals get passed, they will be adding more figures to the core set, plus you can purchase add ons too. You know the score, more they raise, more goodies for those who pledge at the $100 level.

Expect the core set to expand a fair bit, they aint even at $1 million yet (the last one hit nearly $3.5 Million!) just what exactly will be added will be revealed when the goals are reached, but no doubt everyone in on this will bag plenty of nice miniatures. Yes, and before I get someone saying “You only do 15mm” etc, indeed that is true, but me and my boy do play warhammer as well, and while I love 15mm, lots of the core set will get used as nice proxies for our forces, as well as make a start on some new ones. I’m also seeing us revisit dungeoneering in 28mm (Oh my lord, what am I doing…..)


By now your guessing that I’ve backed this KS, and that is true as well, me and my kid are splitting this between us, and even so I’m a bit unsure about where I’m going to get the cash to pay for my pledge, I know that we’ll be well rewarded for what we put in. Reaper have a solid record for delivering a KS of this scale, so I’m in no doubt they’ll end up sending me a lovely parcel when everything is sorted.

Seriously, if your interested in this great KS, you should get yourself in on it, I missed out last time (I really wanted Cthulhu, but he never calls!) and realise my mistake when I saw what was up for offer. I say go for it and pledge, if you don’t have the money, go and find it, sell a kidney/grandmother/etc to raise it, you have a few weeks (well, that’s my plan anyway!)

Visit the link below to get swept up in bones fever….

Reaper Miniatures Bones II: The Return Of Mr Bones! by Reaper Miniatures — Kickstarter.

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Crowdfunding Spotlight: QU-SH-UG Pure Evil Miniatures Kickstarter

19 Aug

Whilst taking some time, relaxing on my holiday, I just want to draw your attention to this great cthulhu-esque beastie from Pure Evil miniatures over on Kickstarter. It’s a lovely gribbly monster that would be at home in many settings, and indeed many scales. A real bonus to the KS is the accompanying cultist figures that are available along with it. These sinister fellows (or ladies, who knows?) are very interesting indeed, and will also be very useful in anything from fantasy games (Wraiths anyone?), to 40K chaos cultists etc.

Even though the monster is on the pricier side, it could be very useful for wargaming. If you have a spare bit of cash, and like the look of them, what are you waiting for, get your hand in your pocket and back this project!!

QU-SH-UG Casting Fundraiser by Pure Evil Miniatures by Damien Sparkes — Kickstarter.

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Crowdfunding Spotlight: Cthulhu Wars Kickstarter

9 Jun

Today, although I have a few posts to make, I’m keeping it brief, if you haven’t noticed (a bit of flu I’m afraid!) On to another great looking project is the new baby from Sandy Peterson (of Call of Cthulhu RPG fame) this time with a game called Cthulhu Wars, and as you an guess based on the works and Mythos of HPL himself.

There are some really disgustingly fantastic creature sculpts here, that’s what interests me most about the whole thing, there’s some lovely playing pieces here.  Its a bit out of my price range at the moment, so I’m kicking myself that I can’t get some of the factions for my own purposes, all I can say is roll on that lottery win just so I can get all these miniatures and shinies I keep seeing available!

Check it out and get involved.

Cthulhu Wars by Sandy Petersen — Kickstarter.

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Anyone up for “Puffed Shoggoths”?

2 Apr

I just thought I’d point out a few kickstarters I think are worthy of note, first is this great looking art zine, based on the works of HPL, “Puffed Shoggoths”.

As you know, I’m quite a mythos fan, I really love the idea of this one, dedicated to pieces of art with the distinctly dark pulpy feel, similar to that of the old horror comics and some old school Cthulhu RPGs.

I’d like to think at some point I’d contribute to stuff like this, or even create one of my own, still I have tons of stuff to keep me busy at the moment, so maybe its best to leave it to the folks who are looking for the funding to get this one into print!!

Check it out!

“Puffed Shoggoths” – A H.P. Lovecraft Art Zine! by Trevor Henderson and Kathryn Bright — Kickstarter.

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