Tag Archives: JJ Abrams

Oh my F*%king God!! It’s Star Wars!! It’s f*%cking Star Wars!!

20 Oct

Holy fuck fuck fuckety fuck!! Yes you’ve probably seen it already, but it’s here, the new trailer for episode 7 is here!! I have faith now that Disney aint fucked up my beloved franchise. Thanks Mickey!! I’ve seen this a ton of times today, and I will probably gorge on it more over the next few weeks. JJ Abrams, we thank you.

Remember, the force will be with you, always…

The Star Wars-Games Workshop Mashup? Is there any truth to the rumour?

4 Feb


If you haven’t been living in a cave on Dagobah for the last year or so, you’ll know that Disney/Lucasfilm movie machine is now kicked into gear. The Force Awakens (also known as Episode VII) is set for a 15th of December 2015 release at the cinemas. Great news for Star Wars fans, eager to see the continuing adventures of Luke, and his space chums, even better news for Wargamers if the hushed rumours on the net end up being true.

I’ve been hearing bits about the possibility of Games Workshop getting the license to produce a miniature wargame about said franchise. So how much truth is there to the myth?

West End Games' Star Wars Miniatures Battles game.

West End Games’ Star Wars Miniatures Battles game.

I think if it happened, it would lure me back (even at their prices) as well as a lot of others too. I can imagine some pretty nice tasty miniatures coming out, even just from a collectors view they’d get loads of sales. I’m not saying it’s not been done before, remember back in the day WEGs skirmish game and the excellent 25mm Grenadier miniatures (plus Fantasy Flights X-Wing & Imperial assault, WOTCs collectable mini game too) but I do think GW would make some lovely stuff for it. They’d probably use their usual rules no doubt, or some iteration of, but that’s GW for you.

Imperial Assault

Imperial Assault

With Disney now the proud owners of all things SW, lets remember that they invested over £4 Billion, money they will want returns on. A lot of that cash will come from licencing the shit out of the franchise, so you’ll end up seeing literally everything you can stick a logo on, being branded with Star Wars. From what I’ve read, there will be so much new official movies, TV, cartoons, comics, books and games adding to the canon, it seems they have huge plans to milk the fuck out of it, every last drop from chewbaccas tit (so to speak)

So, yeah, I’ve heard bits about there was some possibility of GW getting a license, but it all seems to be hush hush. I know that from time to time, people from GW pass this way, so they are quite welcome to get in touch with me (confidentially if need be) and send me a little tidbit of info, in fact if anyone could corroborate this rumour, I’d be happy to know. I know I can get on the hate wagon for GW sometimes, but it’s just the GW of today is not the GW we have now (blah, blah blah, back in the 80’s etc etc…) I would show some love for them if this is true (although I’m not putting any stock into it) I’d also cream my pants if it were to be released in 15mm….

Kylo Ren and his controversial lightsaber.

The Force Awakens Kylo Ren and his controversial lightsaber.

Say, even if they did, the success of the new movie would directly affect the success of the game. There’s no guarantee that Episode 7 will be any good. Sure it’s got the oldies (I think I’m ok with Luke doing the Jedi master obi wan thing, but the others meh…) but it might end up being panned for not living up to the hype, I don’t think that’d do a potential GW game too good. Still, it is Star Wars (It’s a game of swings and roundabouts) but we’re going to have to see what JJ Abrams can do.

As ever, if you have something to add on this subject, I’d love to hear your thoughts on it, or if you actually know anything for sure, please get in touch via the comments section here or via the contact page.

May the Force be with you!!


Star Wars VII: JJ Abrams to direct

27 Jan

BBC News – Star Wars VII: JJ Abrams to direct.

English: J.J. Abrams at Time 100 Gala

English: J.J. Abrams at Time 100 Gala (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Latest Star Wars rumours seem to have been focused on who would direct the latest in the franchise. Now it has been chosen (Imagine I said that in the style of Yoda….) JJ Abrams!

Well, I would have to agree that it would seem one of the better choices of director, I’m no fan of Trek, but the reboot was pretty cool. He admits that growing up he was more of a Star Wars fan than Star Trek, so hopefully he’ll kick ass!

Trust me, it could have been worse, but the proof of the pudding is in the eating, as they say. This will either make or break him in legendary terms in movie history.

we will see….


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