Tag Archives: MDF

Crowdfunding Spotlight: Aftermath Mods Mobile Magnetic RPG Module!

11 Dec


Aftermath mods are back with their latest KS, this time for a new product the mobile RPG module.

It’s the guy’s at Aftermath mods third successful KS, and the experience shows in the new campaign, coming across more confident and prepared than before.
This one I think is really one for the RPG crowd, even so there’s definately lots of potential for more wargaming stuff, the slant is more suited to those who use minis with roleplaying sessions. The USP of the module is the unique and variable magnetic play area, which can be altered and changed with each different encounter, and providing a complete portable playing area.
What I really like and can see great promise for the wargamer, is the wall sections that are available as a $25 perk, you could build up some mighty impressive scifi and dungeon layouts with a few packs (quite reminiscent of the old school first person shooter games like doom spring to mind with these)

Again, there’s loads of optional extras, perks and addons that are the norm with crowdfunding campaigns these days, lots of personalisation for those who want it.
All in all, if that’s perked your interest for more miniature potential in your RPG games, get on over to their project page and help them reach the target.

Good Luck fellas!


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Crowdfunding Spotlight: 28mm Laser Cut 3D Terrain, T.J.H Models Kickstarter

30 Sep

Time for another heads up over on KS, with these lovely laser cut Necromunda-esque scenics from T.J.H models. Very nice it is indeed, although a bit pricey for me, and obviously the wrong size (ahem…15mm anyone?!:)) But regardless, it’s a very cool looking set that would be ideal for loads of different sci-fi games.

There’s talk of wargames related stuff being at saturation point on KS and IndieGogo, but as many bad projects, there are some decent ones too, ideas which would not have found an audience without crowdfunding.

Go over and check them out by clicking the link below.

T.J.H Models Laser Cut 3D Terrain for 28mm Wargames by T.J.H Models — Kickstarter.

NOTE: If your planning a KS or other crowdfunding project that is miniature or wargames related, in fact anything that you think our readers on the grinning skull would be interested in reading, please get in touch and we’ll see if we can’t drum up a bit of extra publicity for it! (stuff for review would be cool also, as well as the odd £5!!) Contact us if you would like to be featured here!! 

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